Monday, June 16, 2008

Child's shoes, Haiti

Child's shoes, Haiti

This was the only photo from for my entire time while in Haiti. On my last visit, I just could not take pictures. I had to ask a colleague ( Karole Gizolme ) to take this image for me. I noticed the shoes on the ground near to where I was sitting. Something about the way that the shoes had become so worn out struck me. I kept thinking that no one growing child could have worn that shoe long enough for it to become so worn down. The shoes were just on the ground in a yard in the Capital. They looked like islands in the sea but also like the two countries that make one island facing off. The hardness of the ground and light had an effect on me also. I go to Haiti this week to do another project. The shoes also reminded me of the way that very similar, or the same, cheap items move around the globe. The same kinds of shoes can be bought Port of Spain, Johannesburg or Paramaibo, for example. I have been thinking about these shoes ever since.


Stephanie Clayton said...

Contextually and visually, this is a powerful photo...a haunting, sad, yet beautiful image.
I discovered your blog today while looking for contemporary Caribbean-based artists like myself. Your work is quite intriguing.

hennarose said...

This Image reminds me of an installation at the RISD museum by Tony Capellan entitled "Caribbean Sea". The artist collected old faded blue and green flipflops washed up off the coast of the DR and Haiti and replaced the thongs with barbed wire. Quite powerful the spirit a simple object can hold...

hennarose said...

This Image reminds me of an installation at the RISD museum by Tony Capellan entitled "Caribbean Sea". The artist collected old faded blue and green flipflops washed up off the coast of the DR and Haiti and replaced the thongs with barbed wire. Quite powerful the spirit a simple object can hold...